The August board meeting was held on August 11th via a video conference at 6:00 PM.
In attendance were:
- Kristin Larson – Treasurer
- Alan Davis – Secretary
- Lisa Burke – VP Administration
- Anker Berg-Sonne – VP Membership
- Jerome Gangitano –VP Driving Events
- Luis Rivera – VP Communications
- Bill Seymour – Past President
- Stan Corbett – DE Registrar
- Maddox Kay – Social Media Support
Not in attendance:
- Nick Shanny – President
The Board approved the July Meeting Minutes and the monthly Treasurer’s Report and then proceeded with focused discussions about club activities, events, and general business.
Jerome reported that the next DE event on August 13 thru 15 at Watkins Glen is good to go. The next and final 2021 DE will be at Palmer Motorsports Park on September 24 thru 26. Adam Schwartz, our NER Track Chair, expects that the Calabogie and Tremblant events will be back on the schedule in 2022.
Plans for the 2022 Ramble in Newport, RI are well underway. Our Ramblemeister, Dennis Freidman, is securing a very interesting lunch spot for the Saturday drive.
NER’s annual Charlie and Martha Dow Tour is scheduled for October 16th. Registration is open on NER’s web site. The tour will start and finish at Minuteman Airport in Stow, MA.
Website Publishing
Anker reported that the process is running quite smoothly now. Weekly emails to the members include links to columns and articles as well to upcoming events. NER members can now get more frequent information to NER events via social media.
The NER Board and the club’s activity leaders monitor any changes to required COVD-19 related requirements and restrictions that might affect our upcoming events.
The next NER board meeting is scheduled for September 8th at 6:00PM on Zoom.
The Club’s monthly Board meetings are planned for the second Wednesday of each month and typically begin with a social period at 6:00PM and the official Board meeting at 6:30PM – although when it’s a Zoom meeting, the social piece is brief, and the meeting begins shortly after 6:00 PM.
Club members may attend any of the monthly Board meetings. Please contact the Club Secretary ([email protected]) in advance of the meeting to confirm your attendance and the meeting time and place.