The December board meeting was held on December 8th at 6:00 PM via a video conference.
In attendance were:
Kristin Larson – Treasurer
Lisa Burke – VP Administration
Anker Berg-Sonne – VP Membership
Alan Davis – Secretary
Jerome Gangitano –VP Driving Events
Bill Seymour – Past President
Erick Aubin – Incoming Secretary
Betty Mae Mosley – Incoming Co-VP of Administration
Glenn Champagne – Incoming Co-VP of Administration
Robert Jacobsen – Incoming President
Stan Corbett – DE Registrar
Maddox Kay – Web Media Support
Mark Shane – Cars & Coffee Coordinator
Not in attendance:
Nick Shanny – President
Luis Rivera – VP Communications
After approving the monthly Treasurer’s Report, the Board began a discussion of club activities, events, and general business.
- Driving – Jerome provided a brief update on the 2022 Ramble in Newport, RI. Dennis Friedman will be sending an email to members soon. The Board approved a paragraph that will address COVID concerns. NER’s Concours Chair, David Melchar, had proposed that the 2022 Concours be held at the Elms in Newport again. The Board approved. The Board also approved Dave as the NER Concours Chair for 2022, considering his outstanding management of past events.
- Social – Lisa provided an update on the annual Gala at Gillette Stadium on January 8th. Prior to the dinner phase of the Gala, our attendees may join one of the stadium tours for a fee. Earlier in the day, there will non-club Go-Kart event at Supercharged Entertainment’s indoor track in Wrentham. Interested racers should see the NER website and contact Joe Cracco. Because the stadium has upgraded its media displays around the field, the cost to use the exterior displays has increased. The Board agreed that the cost was too high and that we will not use those displays for the Gala event. The Board approved the plan to provide the traditional drink coupon to each Gala attendee.
Winter social events were discussed. Mark Shane and Betty Mae Mosley have each been in contact with the operators of the Cambridge Galleria regarding a possible Cars & Coffee in the Mall’s parking garage as well as dining experience at one of the restaurants.
Bill Seymour and Anker Berg-Sonne welcomed the new Board members who will begin next month and thanked the departing members who have worked hard during their years on the Board.
The Club’s monthly Board meetings are planned for the second Wednesday of each month and typically begin with a social period at 6:00 PM and the official Board meeting at 6:30 PM – although when it’s a Zoom meeting, the social piece is brief and the meeting begins shortly after 6:00 PM.
Club members may attend any of the monthly Board meetings. Please contact the Club Secretary ([email protected]) in advance of the meeting to confirm your attendance and the meeting time and place.
Submitted By: Alan Davis