April Board Meeting Minutes

April 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

The April board meeting was held on April 13th at 6:00 PM via Zoom video conference.

In attendance:

Robert Jacobsen – President

Kristin Larson – Treasurer

Glenn Champagne – VP Administration

Betty Mae Mosley – VP Administration

Lisa Burke – Membership Chair

Erick Aubin – Secretary

Charles Kenney – DE Co-chair

Luis Rivera – VP Communications

 Not in attendance:

Nick Shanny – Past President

Jerome Gangitano – VP Driving Events

The March Meeting Minutes had been approved via email and published on Porschenet.com prior to the April meeting. A discussion of club activities, events, and general business followed.  The possibility of conducting an in-person board meetings was discussed and will be decided in May.

  • Treasury Report

The Board approved the monthly Treasurer’s Report.  The cost of the 2021 Gala was discussed.  The total expenditure was on par with previous events despite lower turnout.


  • Sponsorship & Advertising Update

Robert updated the deck available to potential advertisers.  Robert is organizing a list of sponsors committed to advertising and what their support includes in terms of website and social media exposure.


  • Administration

Newcomers meeting was successful with 85+ attendees including some unregistered attendees as people had difficulty accessing the NER specific site. There was discussion about highlighting the difference between NER and PCA National login credentials.  Membership verified that all new members are informed that they need separate credentials for the NER website in their welcome email. The communications team also highlighted this at the newcomer’s meeting.

Notch brewery tour will be rescheduled for June and Collins museum registration will open mid-April.

The summer party was proposed for July 24th, there was concern that attendance may be impacted by an NCR HPDE scheduled for the same day.  It was agreed that the date for the summer party should be moved to a later date targeting August 7th.  Further discussion included a liability question with PCA national about the chairlift ride.  Administration will contact Wachusett to investigate liability terms within the event contract or whether an insurance binder could be provided to cover any PCA concerns. Administration requested help finding a volunteer to act as chairperson(s) for the summer party event. In addition, a proposal was made to establish a children’s advisory board to help with activity planning to build a family oriented community around the summer party. Finally, an inquiry was made about extending the event end time by another hour and a suggestion was made to include a pinewood derby event to further engage younger attendees.

Discussed enhancing social events to attract more family members for lunches, dinners, or other non-car focused activities.  An example would be hosting a lunch after a Porches and coffees event.

  • Driving

Upcoming ramble, autocross, and DE events are all on track as expected. Charles Kenney, Adam Schwartz, and Paul Skinner will covering Stan Corbett’s registration and safety activities as needed.

  • Membership

Membership numbers are steady. Membership chair requested a list of email addresses for newcomer’s meeting attendees in order to send follow-up email. Membership would like communications to re-cycle the article that was published after the 2021 newcomer’s meeting to inform new members of contacts within NER.

  • Communications

Website traffic is trending upwards with younger age groups. Analysis of website and registered NER member data is indicating increased traffic by Macan owners. Social media chair will be relocating and switching PCA regions.  Communications requested additional voluneers to cover these responsibilities and assist with content creation, advertising support, and website backend functions. Luis will be putting together a recruiting article for the website. Robert had a conversation with an interested member at last year’s summer party.  He will provide the name of this person to communications for follow-up.

The next NER board meeting is scheduled for May 11th at 6:00PM on Zoom.

The Club’s monthly Board meetings are planned for the second Wednesday of each month and typically begin with a social period at 6:00PM and the official Board meeting at 6:30PM – although when it’s a Zoom meeting, the social piece is brief and the meeting begins shortly after 6:00 PM.

Club members may attend any of the monthly Board meetings.  Please contact the Club Secretary ([email protected]) in advance of the meeting to confirm your attendance and the meeting time and place.