Our fourth DE event of the season is at “The Glen” – Watkins Glen International. This is one of the most renowned tracks in the country and a real privilege for us to enjoy.
We will be welcoming our friends from outside the NER/NCR regions to join us so we will have a paddock full of amazing cars and amazing drivers.
This event is sponsored by Jerry Pellegrino and the fine folks at European Performance Engineering.
There will be a social followed by a catered dinner when the track day ends on Saturday, August 10th. Tickets for the dinner are $35 per person and are available through ClubReg when you register for the event. Drivers can purchase tickets for family and guests. Please order dinner tickets in ClubReg so we have an accurate count of the number of people attending the dinner. If you missed the opportunity to purchase tickets please contact Stan Corbett, DE Registrar, and he will help you out.
Registration for this event opened March 1st at Club Registration. As you may have heard, the concert that was going to prevent us from using the garages again this year is no longer going to be held at The Glen. We will have full access to the garages and surrounding paddock. We went through an exercise and all of the garages have been spoken for. There is a wait list in case anyone with a garage cancels. You will hear from Stan if you are on the wait list and a garage slot opens up for you.
Event Information:
- On-Line Driver’s Meeting Pack mandatory for solo drivers! Posted August 4
- Track Rats note from Stan posted 5 August
- Event Schedule updated 4 August
- Run Groups updated 7 August
- Worker Assignments posted 5 August
- Garage Assignments updated 7 August
- Student/Instructor Assignments updated 7 August
Photo credit: Mike Chung