Our Season Finale event, the cap to an amazing driving season, will be at Palmer Motorsports Park in late September. This event will be run in the counter-clockwise direction.
This event is sponsored by Justin Becker and the fine folks at South Shore Autoworks.
Garage & Carport Reservations: Reservations for garages and carports at Palmer are made directly with the track. You can access their reservation system here.
Social: There will be a social sponsored by Porsche of Norwell when the track day ends on Saturday, September 21st. Tickets for the dinner are $30 per person and are available through ClubReg when you register for the event. Drivers can purchase tickets for family and guests. Please order dinner tickets in ClubReg so we have an accurate count of the number of people attending the dinner. If you missed the opportunity to purchase tickets please contact Stan Corbett, DE Registrar, and he will help you out.
Registration for this event opened March 1st at Club Registration.
Event Information:
- On-Line Driver’s Meeting Pack mandatory for solo drivers! posted 15 September
- Track Rats note from Stan posted 17 September
- Event Schedule posted 5 September
- Run Groups updated 19 September
- Worker Assignments updated 17 September
- Student/Instructor Assignments updated 19 September