One more driving event before you have to put your baby away for the winter! Have a nice drive with your friends ending up at Seafood Sam’s in Sandwich (similar to Woodman’s in Essex). After lunch, go to the Heritage Museum and Gardens in Sandwich. Enjoy the gardens! Oh wait, never mind, there is a great exhibit called “Driving Your Dreams” of 15 unique concept cars. Or maybe you do both! What a day!
Meet at 9:30 at the Service Plaza on Rt.128 (Rt.95) Southbound, just after the Mass Pike and the Rt. 16 exit.
Discounted (group rate) tickets are available for $12. Sign up by October 1st, please. If you make a last minute decision to come, just come to the meeting spot on time and you can buy a ticket at the Museum for full price. Lunch is optional and you just pay there for what you eat.
Questions: Charlie and Martha Dow