Typ356ne Spring Tour


05/31/2013 - 06/02/2013    
All Day


Woodstock Inn
14 the Green, Woodstock, VT

Event Type

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SOMETHING OLD – SOMETHING NEW This year 2013, Typ356ne returns to our Club’s Spring Tour Program. Last year’s ECH preempted the Spring Tour. With that great event in our rear view mirror, we now look thru our windscreens to the picture-book Village of Woodstock,Vermont. The TYP356ne 14th Annual Spring Tour returns to the Elegant “new” Woodstock Inn for 2013. The Inn has been completely updated since 2011. Simply put, it is one of the most striking Inn’s from its public spaces, to the private custom furnished rooms. Add in a new 10,000 square foot spa, renowned culinary staff, combined with 4 Diamond/5 Star ratings…..and it’s no wonder that even Martha Stewart picked it as one of the premier destinations not only in New England, but in the Country ! This years package is ALL INCLUSIVE ! It includes everything from beautiful rooms to great food to private underground Porsche parking. When I said everything is included in your package price, it covers all from taxes to tips ! We have negotiated off-season rates at in-season dates ! Event Dates: May 31st – June 1st and 2nd, 2013 We have reserved 40 rooms. The earlier you register, the better your choice. Cost: Single/Two Nights ……….$676.66 Double/Two Nights………………$889.88 Additional Nights……………….$205.00 (sans meals) TO REGISTER: 1. Send a check (made out to: TYP356ne Spring Tour) $30.00 for Single/$60.00 for Double. 2.Indicate your name and navigator’s name (if applicable) your home address, e-mail and your cell phone number. 3. Indicate Year/Model and color of the car you will be driving for the event. 4. Once you have all your information and check, mail it to  Ken Nykiel, 294 Palisades Circle, Stoughton, Ma. 02072 5. Then contact the Woodstock Inn at 800-448-7900 and identify yourself as part of the “VINTAGE PORSCHE GROUP” and make your reservations for the May 31st thur June 2nd dates. A one night room deposit will be required on registering. www.woodstockinn.com ANY CANCELLATION RECEIVED WITHOUT FOURTEEN (14) DAYS ADVANCED NOTICE WILL FORFEIT ONE (1) NIGHT’S ROOM AND TAX. ‘People travel for the same reason they collect works of art ! Because the best people do it !” The 356 is a work of art. You, the TYP356ne Members make this a great Club. Combine these two and we have the ingredients for a fabulous SPRING TOUR 2013. Please join us at the Woodstock Inn. Ken and Gloria Nykiel..Tourmeisters knykiel@typ356ne.org