The latest update from our Ramblemeisters, Dennis and Carol Friedman:
Hi Ramblers,
This would have been the 35th Annual Ramble, but the restrictions and uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 have made it impossible to safely provide you with a “proper” Ramble experience.
Everyone registered will receive their registration fees back in full, and The Otesaga will be issuing credit for all of your room deposits WITHOUT NEED FOR YOU TO DO ANYTHING except check your credit card account to ensure you receive your refund. In both cases, it may take more than 1 card cycle for these credits to appear in your credit card account.
But don’t despair, because on Wednesday January 20, 2021, we plan to open registration for the 2021 Ramble! Let’s hope we’ve put Covid-19 in our collective rear view mirrors by that time, so we can all enjoy our usual large, gregarious, driving, and sociable get-together in true Ramble fashion.
Until then, enjoy your Porsche, and stay safe,
Dennis and Carol Friedman
A prior update from our Ramblemeisters, Dennis and Carol Friedman:
I can now confirm that the 2020 Ramble has been re-scheduled at The Otesaga Resort Hotel for Sunday November 8 thru Tuesday November 10.
As you might expect, many organizations have been scrambling to re-schedule events at The Otesaga, and there was not a Friday thru Sunday, Thursday thru Saturday, or Saturday thru Monday where we could get more than 83 rooms for both nights. Since we already had nearly 140 rooms booked 2 months before the April event, it didn’t seem right to re-schedule to dates where we could only satisfy about 60% of those members already confirmed. As a result, our first November Ramble will also be the first to have us driving and banqueting on a Monday!
We have reserved the entire hotel on Sunday and Monday nights as well as 26 rooms in the Hotel for Saturday night. In addition there will be about 10 rooms available at the Cooper Inn on Friday and Saturday nights. If you decide to come early and stay at the Cooper Inn, you should be able to stay there for Sunday and Monday as well, or move to The Otesaga for the 2 nights of the Ramble. While there are no rooms available at this time before Friday, anyone wishing to stay beyond Tuesday breakfast can definitely book at our attractive rates for another 3 days.
All existing hotel reservations will be cancelled, and your deposits refunded. Refunds may take 2-3 billing cycles to appear on your credit card statement. To ensure that current confirmed registrants receive preference, UNTIL MAY 1, THE OTESAGA WILL ONLY ACCEPT NEW NOVEMBER RESERVATIONS FROM PEOPLE WITH AN EXISTING RESERVATION. As of Monday May 4, registration will re-open for the re-scheduled Ramble on ClubReg, and the NER website will announce the new dates to the complete club membership.
To take advantage of your booking priority, please call The Otesaga Resort Hotel promptly to reserve in our room block. There are no online reservations. YOU CAN ONLY BOOK YOUR ROOM BY CALLING 607-353-6906 ON WEEKDAYS (Monday thru Friday 9:00-5:00) identifying yourself as guests of the “Porsche Club of America – Northeast Region”. They will require a deposit of 1 night’s lodging which is fully refundable until 3 days before your check-in. AT THIS TIME, THE OTESAGA ONLY HAS 2 AGENTS ANSWERING PHONES, SO YOU MAY BE PLACED ON HOLD OR GET VOICE MAIL, AND IT MAY TAKE A LITTLE WHILE FOR YOU TO GET A RETURN CALL AFTER LEAVING A VOICE MAIL. We appreciate your understanding of the realities of the world as it is at the moment.
In regard to room rates, I’m pleased to report that pricing will be $15/night less than our original rates. So after months of travel restrictions and health concerns, feel free to extend your visit on the shores of Lake Otesaga.
The only bright side to this whole ordeal, is that after we complete our November Ramble, you’ll only have to wait 5 months to do it all over again on April 30 – May 2, 2021.
Contact me with any questions or concerns.
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you all in Cooperstown,
Dennis & Carol Friedman