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Last year was our first year and a big success with over 100 attending. This year let’s make it over 200!
This is an event for the whole family…
- Games for kids and adults who act like kids: races, cornhole, horseshoes, volleyball and the famous Adult Tricycle Autocross.
- The same great face painter will be back (not just for kids so all you KISS fans will be happy).
- People’s choice car show – up to nine classes this year – you are almost guaranteed to win! Wine for the winner and ribbons for the runners-up! Classes will be determined based on how many and the type and vintage of Porsches that enter. Classes will be announced just before voting starts. Signs will denote classes. Entrants will fill out a windshield card and attendees will receive a ballot when they arrive. This will not be a judged event, but a popularity contest.
- A great “newgrass” band – Mammas Marmalade – will entertain.
- Wachusetts will have the ski lift running for two hours for those who want to venture up for a view of Boston.
- A traditional hamburger and hot dog lunch with soft drinks and dessert. Beer and wine available from a cash bar (note: Wachusetts has a killer selection of craft beers!).
Click the button below for tickets – you will get a wristband when you arrive. $20 for adults, $10 kids under 12. If you sign up by Saturday at 6pm you are guaranteed lunch. If you fail to do so we hope you will still come and it is likely that there will still be lunch available for sale. If we are sold out on lunch there will be a $10 admission fee to cover the site rental, lift rides, band, etc. (but there will be ample beer and fun!).
Questions? Email Bill Seymour
T-shirts may be available onsite but online sales are closed now.