Porsches and Coffee – April 9th joekovacs Social February 9, 2017This season’s first 2017 South of Boston (SoBo) Porsches and Coffee will be on Sunday, April 9th, 10AM – noon...
Winter Warmer at Porsche of Boston – Feb 12th joekovacs Social January 12, 2017First Notice – February 12th 2017 10am to 2pm Start planning to attend the NER Winter Warmer. Once...
Second Call! Photography Clinic at Natick VFW – March 5th joekovacs Uncategorized January 1, 2017Photography Clinic at Natick VFW March 5th 10am-12pm presented by our own photo expert, Richard Viard Take your car photography...
SoBo Cars and Coffee Video joekovacs Social November 4, 2015Did you miss the South of Boston cars and coffee in September? With the guidance of Roger Slocum, this video...
2017 Nor’Easter Subscription Renewal joekovacs NorEaster November 4, 2015 Time to renew your Nor Easter subscription. Unless you are a new PCA /NER member that joined recently (July-November...