Back by very popular demand, the third annual Summer Party will be back at Wachusett Mountain in 2020!
This is an event for the whole family…
- Games for kids and adults who act like kids: races, cornhole, horseshoes, volleyball and the famous Adult Bicycle Autocross.
- People’s choice car show – up to nine classes this year – you are almost guaranteed to win! Wine for the winner and ribbons for the runners-up! Classes will be determined based on how many and the type and vintage of Porsches that enter. Classes will be announced just before voting starts. Signs will denote classes. Entrants will fill out a windshield card and attendees will receive a ballot when they arrive. This will not be a judged event, but a popularity contest.
- Wachusett will have the ski lift running for two hours for those who want to venture up for a view of Boston.
- A traditional hamburger and hot dog lunch with soft drinks and dessert. Beer and wine available from a cash bar (note: Wachusett has a killer selection of craft beers!).
Tickets are now available!
For those wondering what the guidelines will be for this event, please note the following:
Guests will be required to follow whatever the current state guidelines are for masks and social distancing
Dining tables will be further spaced apart and seating limited to 6 per table
The only indoor space will be the restrooms
The buffet style lunch will be served outside by a waitstaff
A minimum of two sides of the tent will be open at all times to allow airflow
No mixing of households on a ski lift chair
We are exploring options for a safe way to handle voting for the car show
Registration will be significantly streamlined with attendees printing out forms at home and bringing the completed forms to check-in.
This event is fully booked.