20224 January Kick-off Meeting (started at 9:26) – Approved not unanimously on 9/26/2024 Glenn opened and asked new board members & chairs to asked to introduce themselves. Paul is the registrar (new role) Doreen – Dennis with the ramble...
Wednesday, April 10 – Approved not unanimously on 9/26/2024 Attendees BettyMae, Glenn, Mark, Kristin & Stephen Unable to attend. Luis, Bailey & Robert Meeting began at 6:35pm Charlie’s wife has passed on March 30th he wanted to keep low key....
Porsche Club of America Meeting August 14, 2024 – Approved not unanimously on 9/26/2024 In attendance: Bailey Bishop Betty Mae Mosley Glenn Champagne Robert Jacobsen Kristin Larson Luis Rivera Mark Shane Stephen Hall The meeting began at 6:40pm ET. Glenn...