Volunteers Needed


Volunteers Needed


Our club is based upon volunteers, and we are looking for volunteers to fill our open positions on the 2025 NER PCA Board and more.  The open positions are:

Treasurer – This role manages all incoming and outgoing cash.  We use Quickbooks Online to maintain the books and BILL to process all payments. Events which require a participant payment all use Motorsportreg which simplifies activity.  Monthly financials are provided to the BOD.

VP Communications – This role manages the overall communication of the club information, events and activities to the members.  There is a Webmaster, Newsletter editor and Social Networks Coordinator that comprise the Communications team and all work together.

Membership Chair – This role responds to NER member inquires including Welcome emails to new NER members; compiles and sends NER events newsletter after collaborating with other BOD; and extracting data from PCA National.

VP Driving – This role will oversee DE, AX, Ramble, Tours & Concours which all have individual chairs to manage but to assist as needed. 

2024 Annual Gala Silent Auction – If you want to have a silent auction as we have in the past then someone(s) needs to volunteer to work on this.  The position needs to be filled by September and may require 10 or more hours per month requesting items, recording donations and supervising a team who will set up the displays at the actual event.”  they could contact Mark Shane at [email protected].

If interested, please contact Kristin Larson, Nominating Chair, at [email protected] or 978-302-3634