by Dick Anderson Well, 2017 has entered with a bang, at least as far as our Annual Gala is concerned....
Gary Cooper, one of our adventurous members, was kind enough to share an account of his trip to Amelia Island...
Special thanks to NER’s Richard Viard for another well attended photography clinic! Over 30 NER and NCR photogs watched and listened intensely as Richard covered the technical and subjective aspects of picture taking. Richard started the meeting with the essentials: ISO,...
Please join the Northeast Region of the Porsche Club of America and the Boston Chapter of BMW CCA as we...
A little rain, a little snow. What’s the problem? We’re Porsche drivers! About 60 folks turned out for the annual...
This season’s first 2017 South of Boston (SoBo) Porsches and Coffee will be on Sunday, April 9th, 10AM – noon at The Moose Café, 1160 Stafford Road, Tiverton, RI. A Porsche logo sign should be in place directing you to...
First Notice – February 12th 2017 10am to 2pm Start planning to attend the NER Winter Warmer. Once...
If you’ve ever dreamed of driving your Porsche at speed, feeling exhilarated by its performance and learning to take full advantage of its capabilities, we invite you to get a head start on our 2017 track season by attending NER’s...
Photography Clinic at Natick VFW March 5th 10am-12pm presented by our own photo expert, Richard Viard Take your car photography...