Shift Happens (or Doesn’t) Luis For Enthusiasts October 18, 2023My faithful readers will recall the clutch cable problems the Puddle Jumper had last year at the Catskill Drive for...
The Wrong Direction at Palmer Bill Seymour Drivers Education June 22, 2023Palmer Clockwise – NER’s Second DE Event June 9-11 Ok, I’m a bum. My car broke at Thompson and I...
DE Crier(s): Thompson Report – Jose Starts Down the Slippery Slope Luis Drivers Education June 11, 2023In this special write up we see two DE perspectives, one from NER’s OG Bill Seymour and also from Jose...
Four Speeds and Drum Brakes: Back to Live Action Luis For Enthusiasts June 6, 2023 A very mild winter had us all looking forward to driving events in New England before St Patricks Day. Too...
May 21: SOBO Porsches and Coffee Report Roger Slocum For Enthusiasts May 31, 2023After a lengthy rain on Saturday, I was a bit surprised that Sweet Berry’s grassy field was not soggy. Rosemary...
Shop Talk Vol. 1: “It’s not a 911 Turbo. It’s a 911 with a Turbo.” Luis For Enthusiasts May 28, 2023In late 2019 Keith Harley, owner of KMH Automotive Corp in the Merrimack Valley (which specializes in Audi and VW),...
DE Crier Report: DE Hooks a New Fish and Father Time Goes Electric! Bill Seymour Drivers Education May 6, 2023NER Driver Education Ground School at Palmer Motorsports Park on April 23rd Well, the weather sucked and that scared...
Parking Lots Revisited Luis For Enthusiasts April 15, 2023It has been such a mild winter in New England that the Cars and Coffee program has been off to...
DE Crier Update: The Pitt Race Luis For Enthusiasts April 15, 2023Hey! Remember me? It’s been 14 months since I last wrote an article for the NOR’EASTER and I figured that...
Never Too Many Porsches Luis For Enthusiasts January 29, 2023Some months ago, Paul Soares shared with me his excitement of winning a concours Porsche trophy. Self employed and modest...